Get Your Free Health Assessment, Score, & 20 Minute Consult with Trish 

When it comes to your health, it's no fun playing the guessing game. 

Know with certainty:

1) your baseline score, a clear starting point

2) what nutrients and supplements you need based off of DNA and epigenetic science

3) what specific first steps to take on YOUR unique pathway

4)  what's working for you and what's working against you.

This Health Assessment gives you objective measurements to help guide you to progress along the pathway that is best for you more effectively and efficiently! So you can stop wasting time, energy, and money on things that don't!

Watch the Video for step by step instructions to be sure you get the maximum benefits from this health assessment and score.


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Is your health score <80? Book a Complementary Health Assessment Call

This HIPAA Compliant Comprehensive Health Assessment takes into account factors that influence your gene expression (aka epigenetics). 

These factors influence your Health Outcomes, like allergies, cancers, obesity, toxicity, and diseases, so be sure you do not leave out signs and symptoms even if you don't have a diagnosis. Don't leave out over the counter medications either. This assessment gives you suggestions based on 10,000 (and growing) third-party peer reviewed clinical studies to generate your one of a kind, ideal vitamin and nutrient recommendations with a few lifestyle changes you may want to implement to improve your health outcomes.

**Including what you should NOT take that may interfere with your medications or make your symptoms worse.

Most healthcare professionals cannot take the time to do such an in depth, comprehensive medical chart review and intake form. Plus, there's just only so much they can cover within their specific specialty! This is the BEST starting point!  Then, be sure to book your Exploration Call with me, ESPECIALLY if your score is LESS THAN 80! Lastly, be sure to take it to your healthcare professionals to discuss, too! Maybe even give them something new to chew on!